
miles mcleod



  • Boomblock is an original interactive audio player.

  • It is built with Javascript, the Three.JS library, and the Web Audio API.

  • Boomblock runs on a tempo-detection algorithm that scans mp3-derived PCM data for peaks, generates a BPM, and then renders the 3D world to the beat.

  • All music is original.


  • The Bronx People's Budget Survey is a participatory budgeting tool. We used it to collect data on Bronx residents' funding priorities.

  • It is built with Javascript, React, NextJS, and Postgres with a simple D3 data visualization.

  • I built this in collaboration with the Barnard College Urban Studies department and the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative.

  • It was designed largely by the awesome @AsaBurroughs.


  • Purplenote is a note-taking app modeled on Evernote.

  • It runs on Ruby on Rails, React, and PostgreSQL.

  • It features the Quill.JS rich-text editor, employs autosave functionality, and includes tons of javascript-based transitions.
